Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything here. I've been working extra hours every week for the past couple of months and have not been on the computer much.
Other than working extra hours I have not done much beyond resting, the extra hours have been mentally and physically draining so my down time has been spent doing almost nothing.
I have a few things I have been working on though. I contacted a realtor about a piece of property, I would love to be able to buy some land and put a small cabin on it, to live full time. I have found a cabin plan that I would love to have built, with an addition for a laundry room and pantry. I would also work on getting a garden started as well. I have been watching a lot of YouTube channels about gardening and what not, I will have to research my area for grow times but so far I have learned a lot.
I know now that I would like to have a fairly simple garden; tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, corn, potatoes,pumpkin, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, as well as some fruit trees; apple, pear, plum, cherry to start with. The great thing about all these fruits and veggies is that I will be able to find all sorts of way to preserve them. Water bath canning, pressure canning, dehydrating and eventually freeze drying as well. My goal for this is help feed myself and save money at the grocery store. I will of course use everything I make at the present time and for long term storage. Depending on how the garden does I would also sell some of it and give some to my kids as well.
I would love to also eventually have my daughters move onto my property, it will be there choice of course but they know they will always be welcome and having their own space would be a bonus for everyone.
I do not know if buying property right now will work but I am trying to be positive. Some days I feel like I am to old to just now start this type endeavor but then I tell myself that this has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I was almost there in 2010 but that clearly was not the right time for me. Here I am now, 12 years later, I am still hoping this works out, but I feel like I am in a better place financially and mentally and with some luck, this could help a lot with being in a better place physically.
I have been changing how I eat, working on eating less, and doing a lot more meal prep, difficult at times, but I have lost a bit of weight so far and that's a good thing!
All of my dreams, goals, plans etc., are designed to help me live a better quality life for myself first and my family too. I want to be able to play with my grandbabies and not be winded and tired, I want to have a place where they can visit and have fun inside and outside.
End goal, to have the space I have wanted for years and everything it can bring plus the quiet, to be away from the city and all the noise that comes with it.