Friday, June 28, 2024

Another Dose Increase

 About 45 days ago I had a med increase, 30mg to 40mg. I have not noticed a huge change but overall I feel liked I'm feeling better, but that can depend on what's happened throughout the day. 

A week or so ago I spent time laying in bed after work, no lights, just crying under the covers. I think I was feeling stressed due to a lot going on at home and work. I work in an Adult Foster Care Home and there is a lot that can happen. I think that day might have been a difficult one. 

I'm working to take time to sit alone after work, sometimes saying high to everyone and then just disappearing to my room for a while. Sometimes my daughter will sit with me and sometimes the grand kids come in too. My room is the quiet body room. No running, jumping, screaming or general craziness is allowed. For the reason my daughter will sit with me almost every day to enjoy some extra and much needed quiet. The kids will visit, and talk, play on their games or sit with me, but the first scream they get cray they have the option to either not be crazy or leave the room. Most of the time one will choose to leave and the other will quiet down. 

The meds are working though and thankfully it's the second med I've been on. I did not want to get stuck in the pattern of going from one med to another every few months. 

I suppose I should get back to my work day. It's half over and I have only 1 day off before coming back.