Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Following Your Passion

 What is your passion? 

For as long as I can remember I have loved taking photos. It was not really encouraged though and so many people asked why I was always taking pictures or made fun of me for taking my camera with me. 

When cell phones had cameras more people were taking photos and over time they improved a lot. Most phones take photos just as good as an expensive camera. I still like using a camera though. 

A couple weeks ago I borrowed a long lens and it was great! I NEED to get a long lens of my own. I've been searching on the FB Marketplace for a lens, I'll have to buy one soon. 

I did a small photo shoot for a friend, I'm not used to editing but the ones I edited turned out really well. I'll be doing another photo shoot soon too. Not sure where we will do that yet, currently the weather is a bit crappy and since she wants it done outside, we have to wait a bit longer. 

It has taken me years to get to this point, to not feel odd about taking a camera with me when I go out. I have one background so far, I'll get more though and a stand and eventually some lighting stands as well. I am looking forward to gathering everything and eventually working on portrait photography. 

Follow your passion, do what makes you happy, do what you love, don't let other drag you down to not doing what you love to do.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Self Care - How do you take care of yourself?

Self care is something that most people, especially women, do not think about. Because of my divorce, financial situations that put me other peoples homes for three years, jobs and changes that brought on additional stress and counseling, I have slowly worked on improving my personal self care.

Do you practice self care? 

     Yes I do. I have not always though. I used to let others keep me down. I listened to the negativity and focused on the house, husband and kids and ignored myself. Negativity, trauma at various times in my life, low self esteem were all parts of my not taking care of myself. I still deal with low self esteem now but it has gotten so much better. 

How do you practice self care? 

     I spend time alone, I watch movies or shows, I try to work on projects, I do Genealogy research, I take photos, I nap with my cats on my lap, I cook/bake. I walk trails around town and I also work on doing new things. I recently finished a six week online cooking class and I signed up for a 5k walk in May.

What is your favorite way to practice self care? 

     I enjoy all the ways I practice self care. I use some of them to help me with other things, like photography. I will use photography to get out of the house and spend some time outside on trails, going to the zoo or a garden. 

Do you feel bad when you put yourself first?

     I used to feel bad for wanting to take time for myself. I was made to feel like I was a bad mother or wife if I wanted to do something without my kids or husband. So I stopped. Since my kids no longer live with me, I have still found it difficult to to do things for myself. It has taken a long time for me to be okay with it, but I am slowly reaching the point where I am okay with and do not feel guilty.