Thursday, December 28, 2023

Next Steps

 Tomorrow I have my med review. I feel like it's been going okay since I've started. I can't say that I feel a lot different than before, other than noticing some triggers that make headaches worse. The last couple of weeks I noticed that my right hand had joint pain when I tried to grab things. That has now begun in my right shoulder and also my right hip. I've had issues with my shoulder for years though so I thought at first it was because of that but this is a lot more pronounced pain than what I've had before. 

I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow, not sure what will happen but I'd like the joint pains to stop. It's hard to drive, get dressed, shower etc when you have pain with your dominant side. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Three Weeks Later

 I'm over a month into being on these meds and finally the headaches have stopped. I am more aware of triggers because the headaches are worse with the meds. 

I have not missed a day with the meds and hopefully do not, though my doctor said that if I miss a day, it's okay. I have my morning routine set with them and it's working well. 

My mood is better, I think. Some days I don't feel different but overall I've had a bit more energy and I'm falling asleep a bit easier. I'm not sure I'm sleeping better but that's due to other factors from before I started the meds. 

I had a schedule change with work, every Friday and Saturday off now. This has been a bit of an adjustment but I think it's going to be okay, just getting used to it. 

Today my cousin is coming over to work on Genealogy research. A lot has come up in the last few weeks. Not only have a found a link between my family name and Kyra Sedgwick, BUT, I also found that there is a link between my family and Laura Ingalls Wilder.     


This is very exciting news! I knew that there were Ingels in my tree, but I did not think that it would lead to this. I loved watching Little House on the Prairie but I never read the books and I have not seen the movies. Since finding this information I have purchased the movies and if I don't get the series or books for Christmas (they are on my Amazon wish list) then I will buy them for myself. My younger sister started watching the show again and her daughter also watches and likes the show. It's so interesting to know that my family lines has this type of history to it. I know there is more than what was in the show, which I hope to learn through the books and information online as well. 

I've got to get ready for my visit, just a bit more to clean and food to prep.