My grandson on his birth day. The whole day was long and fairly uneventful, as far as births go anyway.
@ Two weeks old
He is the sweetest baby, when he isn't screaming about needing a diaper change or a bottle. He is now almost two months old. He is smiling more and more every day. He is holding his head up longer and longer every day but still has his "drunk baby" moments. He is pretty expressive with his eyebrows and I think he will be a hand talker. I've never seen a baby use their hand as much as this little guy does. He uses his legs a lot, I suspect that he'll go from crawling to running in a short amount of time. He already has a couple favorite toys, a rattle and some color plastic links. He wakes up happy then gets cranky and wants to nap on someone for a bit.
Him being here was not suppose to happen right now, he was not planned and there was a lot of uncertainty surrounding the whole situation. Now that he is here though, everyone feels drastically different. He has caused many sleepless nights the cost of clothes is crazy, thankfully a lot of necessities were received at the baby shower. At this point we have had to put some money into diapers and clothes but for the most part he is set up for a bit before our out of pockets cost go up.
In the long run, we don't know what will happen with a lot of things but we are all glad he is here. He has helped us to all be more calm and relaxed, working to keep a less stressed house for everyones sake.
I was unsure about having a grandchild. I was unsure about being called grandma, but I couldn't think of anything better, so grandma it is. My daughter told me that he wouldn't like me very much because before birth he didn't move much when I was in the room. This little guy loves me as much as I love him. We talk and snuggle on the couch and he likes to spits up on my shoulder, when it isn't covered with a blanket. I am so glad he is here.
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