I was sitting here this evening/morning, bored out of my mind, nothing is keeping my interest on television. I decided to start cleaning.
My list right now consists of small things, like cleaning under the sinks, cleaning off the tables, boxing up trash, adjusting my bookshelves, again and a few dinners I want to make over the weekend.
Once this list is done I will start working on the bigger projects; putting shelves in the bathroom, reorganizing the linen closet, hanging a bar and curtains in the bathroom, new curtain rods in the living room, cleaning out my bedroom closet, getting the last of the storage stuff put away so my bedroom looks like an adult sleeps there, dusting ceiling corners, vacuuming and scrubbing the floor throughout the apartment. I am sure I am missing some things but that is more than enough to get me started.
I cleaned out my car this morning, it was not bad but I had enough trash in there to make it look 10 times worse than it actually was. It feels nice to not have that mess in the backseat.
I feel that I have reached a point where I need more than what I have been allowing myself to have. I have been feeling bored more lately and I do not like it at all. Instead of sitting in my chair and falling asleep at all hours, I want to use more time to get projects done that will make my space organized and clean.
If you are wondering how I get started with things like this, let me tell you that it is not easy. I used to spend the majority of my day cleaning, there was never any time for fun projects or anything else because I was always cleaning. For some reason that seemed to be an issue to some people, I was picked on it, people made fun of my organization. When I had kids, well, if you have kids you know that sometimes things do not remain a priority. I have always kept a clean house but over the years it has been just enough to not be embarrassing if someone visited. Since being in my own place again and having less space I want to keep it clean so it does not feel cluttered all the time. Unfortunately that is not how things have been as of late. I rarely clean, there are always dishes in the sink and dishwasher. I have not used the stove in a while, the counters have disappeared and there is consistently a tote with trash in it that needs to go out.
This time I am starting out with small things that will not take very long but will make a big difference. I am also a list maker, I like crossing things off and seeing the list shrink. I also will be sticking to one area at a time as well. The kitchen needs a lot of work so that will be a day to get that done. The bathroom is not bad, other than lack of storage shelves; once those shelves are up other things will fall into place.
Look at one area in one room, think about what you want it to look like and then what you need to do to get it to look the way you want. Do not overwhelm yourself with it, it does not need to be stressful but it will help relieve some stress.
I am not really a resolution type of person but I want to set some goals for myself for this year. One being getting my space fixed, since I am in it a lot.
I also have other projects I can work on. I have a bucket I want to upcycle, I have puzzles, but I also have cats so this one will be difficult. I have a latch hook that I have avoided working on because the print is on the material and it is a bit intimidating.
Do you set resolutions or goals?
What is on your Spring cleaning list?
What kind of household projects do you want to achieve?
What type of fun/crafty projects do you have?
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